A lot of times Photography involves being creative thinking outside of the box. there are many reasons why a photographer might need to come up with ideas to make a photograph better. Maybe certain a équipment costs too much or we don't have time to go and buy what we need and so on . So creating our own equipment on the fly is a natural part of photography.
When I first started photographing products an object for web sites I had no clue that I can create almost anything I needed and so my mind set that was completely narrowed down to buying whatever I needed- until I noticed some great blogs that showed what other photographers for doing. And that changed everything - I would leave comments and they must have seemed funny who those who wrote the blog posts, I acted like I had just witnessed the first alien on earth! To me it was just such a brilliant idea - I think it was something simple like a light diffusion item lol
I guess what I'm getting at is that once you learn some of the simple projects , it really opens up your eyes and from there its not a big deal to just think about building your own things frequently. My goal over the next year through 2013 is to collect all the different Do It Yourself photography projects and just put them all together in a nice Book or guide the other photographers come look at. Of course I'll be posting them on here along the way!
So stay tuned :)
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